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With this library you can encode and transfer instances remotely 💫.

Remote instances will be just like if they created locally. To create a remote instance all you need to do is:

  1. Optional - Implement a static method fromArgumentsList() on the constructor of the instance. This method will receive an array of arguments as first argument and should return a new instance accordingly. If this method those not exists, the arguments will apply on the instance constrictor (see example bellow).
  2. Implement a method toArgumentsList() on the instance which return array of arguments of any kind (including other instances!) to recreate this instance remotely via the fromArgumentsList() method.
  3. Register the instance constructor on the parser with a unique single byte-code that is well known to each peer (see example bellow).

That's it!

You can use the parser method parser.transform(stream) to convert a duplex buffer stream to an object mode stream transformed by the parser (see API Reference for more details).


npm install remote-instance


const Parser = require('remote-instance');

// Create test class
class Foo {
  constructor(bar) {
    this.bar = bar;

  // Tel the parser how to rebuild this class remotely
  toArgumentsList() {
    return [this.bar];

// Create a parser instance and register our class
const parser = new Parser();
parser.register(0x01, Foo);

// create an instance and encode it
const foo = new Foo({ test: 'myThing' });
const buffer = parser.encode(foo);

// decode and recreate the instance
const decodedFoo = parser.decode(buffer);

// `decodedFoo` is not foo but an exact copy of Foo
decodedFoo !== foo; // true
decodedFoo instanceof Foo; // true
decodedFoo.bar; // { test: 'myThing' }

API Reference

This module is a part of the remote-lib library.

Here is the relevant documentation for this module:

© 2017 Moshe Simantov

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.